Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Founded on Christian principles blah blah blah....

Over on the other side of the pond, the theotards love to claim that their country was "founded on Christian principles". As ever they remain impervious to facts about the founding fathers - the majority of whom were deists. They're not above claiming that all sorts of documents like the constitution say so - even though I don't think there's an American alive who hasn't read that many many times. How on earth do they manage to keep a straight face.

The thing is that even though their country's founding documents don't state that they are a Christian nation (or Judeo-Christian as they like to call themselves nowadays, so that they can support Israel in the hope that the rapture will be hurried along), they don't explicitly deny it either. That's why the Treaty of Tripoli is always good fun to quote to them, as it states ...
the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion

It seems that one of their trainee apologists has been getting a bit fed up of hearing this, so he's decided to tell a few bare-faced lies about it. Luckily there are plenty of honest rational folks on hand to point this out in the comments under his article.

EDIT: I've just been reading some earlier articles by this guy, and it seems he's quite the expert in misrepresenting the founders of his country. Check out this one

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