Tuesday 21 July 2009

Well he could have said it !

It seems to be the day for "American founding fathers lies". Hot on the heels of my last post this humdinger of a story has just appeared in the St Petersburg Times.

A bunch of Christians have launched a series of billboards featuring pro-religious quotations from various early American leaders. There's nothing wrong with that - its free speech after all. One of the billboards carries the 'quote' - "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" attributed to George Washington.

However, the only problem is that George Washington never said that. Terry Kemple, the president and sole employee of the local Community Issues Council, who is behind the ads, said "I don't believe there's a document in Washington's handwriting that has those words in that specific form, however, if you look at Washington's quotes, including his farewell address, about the place of religion in the political sphere, there's no question he could have said those exact words."

So it appears that you can just make quotes up if nobody actually said what you wish they had!

"I don't care", said Mr Kemple, "I'm allowed to lie and cheat and basically do anything I want, as long as it helps push my theocratic agenda", or he could have done anyway!

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